Our story

On August 21, 2023, I reached a breaking point and decided that I could no longer bear the pain. That night, I made the decision to end my life. I felt the weight of years of accumulated pain and confusion bearing down on me. I had enough of the suffering and the uncertainty about why I felt so empty and broken. I could no longer endure it. Project 821 was created not just as a brand of awareness but as a movement aimed at reaching out to men like me.

After taking the necessary steps to get the help I needed, it pained me even more to realize how many men hide their pain just as I did for so many years. Project 821 was designed to be a source of encouragement, demonstrating to young men that true strength comes from the humility to seek help. Strength is not about hiding behind an artificial smile. At 821, our mission is to reshape how men perceive strength. Strength lies in numbers, and we believe that together, we can build a support system that can change the lives of many male athletes.


Our vision is simple. 821 aims to create a support team that brings male athletes together to help them break free from the bondage of corruption that mental health issues impose on men. Many believe they are in this fight alone, and we know how lonely it can feel. That’s why it is our mission to unite individuals and foster a sense of freedom from the mental battles we all face.

We aim to partner with universities and high schools to host special events focused on strengthening mental health. Guest speakers, fellowship, and stress management seminars will help transform teams across the country and create an environment where speaking out is the first line of defense. Together we can fight to end the stigma.

Our Mission

to reshape the way male athletes across the country view strength.

 Join our project —

At 821, we’re always looking for ways to reach out to athletes. Reach out →